Saturday, January 26, 2013

Teacher Transformation Continues

What an exciting, intense and transformative time we have had with the 62 teachers who were studying with us at Timothy Centre for ten days this month.  Under the direction of Rob, one of our newer Canadian volunteer teacher trainers,  the first year class was grappling with the concept of worldview and how this profoundly affects our teaching.  The second year class was building on the foundational modules they studied last year (Biblical Worldview, Philosophy of Christian Education, Biblically Based Curriculum) and was exploring many ways to build biblical values and principles into their lesson planning.  It was great to have Sharon, another Canadian volunteer teacher trainer helping me in team teaching this class, as she brought many creative and practical ideas to our study.
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The emphasis in this entire teacher training course is on the integration of biblical values and principles into each subject area and all school practice, and the teaching of critical thinking skills.  These are essential elements of true Christian education and result in the transformation of both teacher and student.

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It was encouraging to read the feedback we received on our course evaluation forms:

"Putting into practice what I have learned in this module will help me as a teacher to build a promising young generation."

"My lesson planning is going to improve because I understood far better than I ever have how to integrate biblical values in a lesson."

"The course has sincerely changed my way of teaching.  May God Almighty bless me to implement it."

"I will apply the biblical truth and I hope to do it very well this time.  I will assess and evaluate my learners.  I will focus more on questions that require higher level thinking.  I've so many ideas on how to develop children's metacognition."


(Our second year class)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Teacher Training Launches for 2013!

This evening we started receiving the 35 new teachers who will be starting their Christian teacher training course at the Timothy Centre, and welcomed back the 32 who are coming to complete their second year of training with us.  It is an exciting time! Many of the teachers are from our schools in Kibaale and the Timothy Girls High School, but we have teachers from all over Uganda and four new registrants from Kigali, Rwanda. 
It is wonderful to have the help of other Canadian teacher volunteers this year, as the program is growing so fast.  Sharon, a long time Pacific Academy teacher and dear friend, will team teach with Arleen.  Teachers from Kibaale were excited to see her again after many years since her last visit to Kibaale.
(Teachers arriving and moving into their dorm rooms)
Rob has been working hard to get all the preparations done for teaching the new class of teachers who will start with the Biblical Worldview module.
We have spent the last couple of days getting the last of the teaching materials prepared and the classrooms set up and praying for the safe arrival of all the teachers.  We are looking forward to a great 10 days of learning together.  Thanks for praying for us!
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