Tuesday, November 22, 2011

End of Year Excitement

The students in Kibaale are busy with end of year activities…cleaning classrooms, packing up books… 




  preparing dramas and songs for the annual year end “Speech Day”…


and just hanging out and enjoying friends while teachers prepare report cards.




There was some extra excitement on Friday when the “Kabaka” (king of the Buganda, the main tribe in the Masaka and Rakai Districts) was supposed to make a visit to Rakai.  He was planning to visit several towns, Kibaale included….so after school the students hurried down to the community play field to see if he had arrived.

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There was a large crowd waiting, enjoying a football game in the meantime, but it seems that the king was delayed somewhere along the way.  Driving back to Masaka I passed school children who had been waiting there since the morning…still waiting!  They have much more patience than Canadian children!  At almost every village along the way, there was a “archway” constructed on the road to welcome him, a crowd of both old and young, and local musicians and dancers entertaining everyone while they waited. 




1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss seeing those blue uniforms running around in front of my house!!! Great pictures:)
