Last Wednesday we finished the second teacher training module (Philosophy of Christian Education) here at the Timothy Centre. Our field director, Ken Drisner, was the main teacher for this module which was very well received. Much of the time during this 10-day module was spent in group work, applying principles of Christian education to the design of a ‘model Christian school’. It was a lively time of group interaction and presentation of the group work to the rest of the class.

We were very pleased to have the Dean of Education from Uganda Christian University join us for 3 days of this module. He was observing the program, giving us feedback on the quality of the content and teaching/learning experiences. He was also able to share from the Word of God in one of the morning devotional times with the teachers.

We received a very favourable report on his time with us, and the door seems to be opening for further cooperation with UCU in the area of teacher training. Please pray with us that this might benefit the teachers who are taking the course at Timothy Centre.
It is good to see this class of in-service teachers building strong relationships amongst themselves, supporting and encouraging each other continue learning how to teach effectively as Christian teachers. They not only spent a lot of time learning together, but enjoyed times of relaxation and fellowship during this module.

All in all, it was a great time together and we are thankful for this great group of teachers. We look forward to meeting them again in August for the next module!