Monday, December 13, 2010

The Office Journey

Looking back over the years since Kibaale Community Schools began in 1993, and even over the last year that the Timothy Centre has been developing, we can see so much growth and so many changes. Of course, the most exciting and rewarding changes have been in the lives of the students and families as they have been blessed with great Christian based education, health services and improved living conditions.

As I was moving into my new office at the Timothy Centre recently, I stopped to think back over history of “offices” I have had here. This one is number TEN!

office 005  office 007

Over the years, that’s a lot of moving boxes and books and all sorts of miscellaneous materials we use for creating teaching aids…not to mention cleaning out dead spiders and mud wasps that like to hide in boxes and behind books! Many of the offices have been rather unorthodox sorts of places, such as the 20-foot metal shipping container that was office number one in Kibaale, and the newly built laundry room which was my most recent office here at the Timothy Centre.  Now it is nice to have a place where I can spread out and dig through resources that are useful for all the course planning that I am now doing for the teacher training programs we will be offering here.

office 010People often laugh at the strange collection of things I seem to accumulate in my office, but the old cardboard boxes, bottle caps, scrap fabric, tins, and stones are the raw materials for many of the teaching aids that we design for our teachers.  So it is great to have room now for a work area to make sample items for teachers to learn how to make and use.

office 012 Thanks to Paul and his crew for the beautiful new administration building that houses all the offices!

office 003  We’ve come a long way from old shipping containers!

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