This is the season for thanksgiving!

We celebrated our Canadian Thanksgiving with new friends here at Uganda Christian University in October, have been invited to join others for the upcoming American Thanksgiving later this month….and UCU just had a huge thanksgiving service this past week at the historic Namirembe Cathedral in Kampala. This is the 100th year anniversary of Bishop Tucker Theological College, the institution that became Uganda Christian University in 1997, so the thanksgiving service was in celebration of God’s faithfulness for all these years. We are learning much about the work of the Church of Uganda since we have been at UCU and are so thankful that the work of the kingdom of God is thriving in many different church groups….and that there is more and more unity in love and purpose. It is easy to feel rather isolated when one works in smaller rural area (as we have done for many years), so it is wonderful to see the interconnectedness in all that God is doing in Uganda.
President Museveni was invited to be the guest speaker at the 100th anniversary thanksgiving service. He was not personally able to attend, but his speech was read by the vice-president and it was encouraging to hear his support of what UCU is doing in the field of Christian education. Not only did he express appreciation for UCU’s diligence in providing quality education, he took note of the distinctively Christian approach to learning and teaching, saying it has been instrumental in fighting moral decay and other attendant vices. He added a comment referring specifically to the Institute of Faith, Learning and Service: “I am informed that there is a deliberate strategy of integrating learning, faith and service in the production graduates of high skills, knowledge and integrity”. Dr. Senyonyi, the Vice-Chancelor, told me on Friday that now we even have the president advertising IFLS! Please pray that the Lord will give daily wisdom and strength to help this program of training faculty in biblical worldview integration move ahead effectively.

We are thankful for the godly, competent leadership in the university. On Independence Day (Oct. 9) Dr. Senyonyi was honored with an award from the government for his contributions to higher education in Uganda. He is greatly loved and respected by both students and staff and was the primary person behind the initiation of the IFLS program.
Dr. John Senyonyi (Vice-Chancellor)
We also pray that many of the students from the Kibaale Community Schools and Timothy Girls' High School will be able to eventually complete their university education here in this great environment.
Some of you may be interested in a ‘virtual tour’ of UCU, so here a few photos of the beautiful campus:
Bishop Tucker Hall (built 1922)
This building houses the ‘Save the Mothers’ program focusing on improving maternal health, a program initiated and administered by Dr. Jean Chamberlain-Froese, a fellow Canadian.
Dining Hall
(It is not only in the primary schools where mango trees are raided by the students, obviously!)
Nkoyoyo Hall is used for the community worship chapel services and for lectures.
The Uganda Studies Program for overseas students is housed in this building. Students some for a term to study Ugandan history, cultural issues, etc. and to visit missions projects in various parts of the country.
Our house
We are blessed to be a part of the work here and to have so many people praying and supporting us. Thanksgiving season!