It attracts visitors from all over Uganda and parts of East Africa.
The fair offers farmers an opportunity to learn about new developments in agriculture,
new technologies…
new crop varieties…
and opportunities to make contact with other farmers across Uganda, sharing ideas to improve their skills.
For the second year in a row Farming God’s Way has been represented at the show. This has given us an opportunity to demonstrate and explain a simple way of farming that equips farmers to be more productive (on average 5 times as much), and helps them find abundant life in Christ.
Chris Sperling, our national FGW coordinator (and fellow Canadian), did an incredible job in organizing the display, getting materials ready for the show, and mobilizing volunteers.
We were one of the few organizations at the show that demonstrated farming techniques. Here’s Chris demonstrating various planting stations.
Apart from the displays, Chris also planted a garden 6 weeks prior to the show which helped give a visual portrayal of FGW. People were amazed at how quickly the maize and beans had come up.
Some great contacts were made with farmers from various parts of Uganda wanting to know how to farm more productively. We hope to follow up on a lot of these contacts in months to come.
On one of the two days I was at the Fair, I was surprised to see familiar faces from Kibaale Community Secondary School in Rakai District drop by. This is our sister project in Uganda under PAOS.
Plans are presently being made to introduce FGW to Kibaale and the surrounding area.
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